FCCF Heroes
These are the stories of The Fighting Children’s Cancer Foundation, the stories of our families, the stories some of the many kids you are helping.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of these courageous children in their fight against pediatric cancer.
Mikey* is a 1 ½ year-old warrior fighting neuroblastoma. He is now going through his second bone marrow transplant, which involves intense chemotherapy, isolation, a hospitalization period of 4-6 weeks or more, and post-transplant care. Thanks to donor support, Mikey’s family’s rent was paid during his transplant hospitalization so his parents can be at his bedside in his fight to get well. He is strong, resilient, and a fighter, and we wish him healing and all good things in the time ahead.

Lori* is a 19-year-old warrior who was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma last year. Lori is beating this disease with aggressive chemotherapy, related treatment, and her parents and younger sister at her side. Donor support helped fund essential home expenses so Lori's family can focus on treatment and healing. We are honored to be part of her journey and are inspired by her strength, spirit, and heart!

Emily is 8 years old. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor and has experienced significant complications related to this disease. Emily lives with her parents, brother, and sister, and Mom needed to stop working to focus on Emily’s treatment and healing. Donations to the FCCF funded Emily's family's rent and car payments to get them through this difficult time. Your support also funded a specially designed adaptive tricycle so Emily could build strength, increase mobility, and be with her siblings riding bikes this fall as part of her continued recovery.
Click Here to view this video that her mom shared of Emily in action - she is a true warrior and we are honored to know her!

Andrew* is a 9-year-old boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma last year. He is fighting this disease with chemotherapy, many hospitalizations and clinic visits, as well as profound courage and a thousand-watt smile. Thank you for helping this family through your donations so that his mom, dad, and 13-year-old brother can focus on Andrew's treatment and on special family moments together.

Alex is a 9-year-old boy fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia. His mom and two brothers faced significaant financial struggles in the midst of fighting this disease. Mom needed to pursue emergency assistance, food pantries, and other resources. The Foundation paid their rent, and they were given one of the Steve Figurelli Family Grants so they could focus on treatment, healing, and precious family time together.

Ray* is a 5-year old boy who has battled retinoblastoma for the last three years. This tumor, despite aggressive chemotherapy and the love of his mom, dad, and older brother, continues to return with a vengeance. Ray lost his vision and is facing other challenges related to illness and treatment. Donations to the Fighting Children’s Cancer Foundation went to pay this family’s mortgage and utility bills so they, as a family, could focus on treatment and precious family time together.